San Antonio lessons on Tue Jan 21 will be online for the winter storm
Well, answering that question would take volumes, so I can’t give you a complete answer here. But I can show you the basic movements that you will use when playing fingerstyle. Once you master these movements in your right hand (or picking hand for you lefties out there), all you have to do is to organize these movements properly in order to play music. That’s the hard part. Making these fundamental finger and thumb strokes is actually quite easy. Watch the video embedded below, or read the rest of the post under the video to see how.
Let start by getting into a proper playing position. With your shoulders, arms and hands relaxed, place your fingers on the strings as follows: put a on the 1st string, m on the 2nd string, and i on the 3rd string. Your thumb will be on the 4th string. (See our post on the names of the fingers if you don’t know how to call them.) Once here, you should ensure the following things:
Sage, Joshua