Jason Sagebiel conducted the section leaders of the NYC Guitar Orchestra at Sage Music to promote their upcoming appearance at LIC Concerts.
Op. 6 No. 8Arcangelo Corelli, arr. Sagebiel
What Should I Wear For My NYSSMA Audition? Finding the Right Performance Audition Attire
It’s NYSSMA season, and all over NY State, kids are prepping their scales, sight-reading skills and selected solo pieces to show off their talents. Recently, a parent asked me what her daughter should wear for her upcoming NYSSMA audition, and it got me thinking about presentation for auditions in general.
Sage and Taro play Dufay's Sequuntur Cantiones Sine Textu
These are the first two pieces of a fantastic set of twelve by the late medieval composer Guillaume Dufay, arranged for two guitars.
Choro by Pixinguinha
Sage and Kazuyo play Pixinguinha's Choro on flute and guitar.
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